Region Sicily

Events and holidays 2030


Date Public holiday Class

January 2030

01.01.2030 New Year´s Day 1
06.01.2030 Epiphany 1
19.01.2030 Madonna della cava 1.6 %
20.01.2030 Saint Sebastian <1 %

February 2030

03.02.2030 Saint Blaise <1 %
05.02.2030 Saint Agatha 6.2 %
11.02.2030 Saint Castrensis <1 %
25.02.2030 Saint Gerland of Agrigent 1.2 %

March 2030

19.03.2030 Saint Joseph 1.1 %
31.03.2030 DST start 5

April 2030

14.04.2030 Palm Sunday 5
21.04.2030 Easter 1
22.04.2030 Easter Monday 1
23.04.2030 St George´s Day 1.1 %
25.04.2030 Liberation Italy 1

May 2030

01.05.2030 Labour Day 1
09.05.2030 Europe Day 5
12.05.2030 Mother's Day 5
24.05.2030 Saint Dominic <1 %

June 2030

02.06.2030 Republic Day Italy 1
03.06.2030 Madonna della Lettera 4.7 %
09.06.2030 Whitsun 4
15.06.2030 Saint Vitus 1 %
21.06.2030 Madonna of the Miracles <1 %
24.06.2030 St. John's Day 2.3 %

July 2030

02.07.2030 Maria Santissima della Visitazione <1 %
07.07.2030 Festa patronale Vittoria 1.3 %
15.07.2030 Saint Rosalia 13.3 %
25.07.2030 Saint James <1 %
26.07.2030 Saint Venera 1 %
28.07.2030 Festa di Santa Venera <1 %

August 2030

03.08.2030 Festa di San Nicolò Politi <1 %
04.08.2030 Festa patronale Bagheria n.a.
04.08.2030 Festa di San Nicolò Politi 1.8 %
07.08.2030 Saint Albert of Trapani 1.4 %
15.08.2030 Ferragosto 1
29.08.2030 John the Baptist (beheading) 1.5 %

September 2030

08.09.2030 Maria Santissima d'Alemanna 1.5 %
29.09.2030 Saint Michael 1.2 %

October 2030

27.10.2030 DST end 5

November 2030

01.11.2030 All Saints' Day 1

December 2030

01.12.2030 First Advent 5
04.12.2030 Saint Barbara <1 %
08.12.2030 Immaculate Conception 1
08.12.2030 Second Advent 5
13.12.2030 St. Lucia 2.4 %
15.12.2030 Third Advent 5
22.12.2030 Fourth Advent 5
25.12.2030 Christmas 1
26.12.2030 St. Stephen´s Day 1
31.12.2030 New Year´s Eve 5

Errors excepted. No guarantee for the correctness of the data.
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official holiday
legally not recognized holiday
Event day
does not apply in the whole territory
not available
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